De multe ori simturile iti spun ca e ceva in neregula, ulterior te poti insela. | ||
garbo207042 Postat pe 9 Iulie 2011 04:22 |
asa, si? | ||
quasaria Postat pe 17 Iulie 2011 00:06 |
nu te poti insela, adevarul e in fata ta :) doar ca nu il accepti. | ||
garbo001 Postat pe 19 Iulie 2011 14:31 |
eii, garbo 001, fetele scriu de zor pe topicul deschis de tine, ca-s sfatoase si bune din fire , iar tu dispari...ii cam lipsa de respect sa le ignori... nu crezi? sau nu te mai multumeste topicul cela? simturile mele nu s-au inselat... |
Eugenia69 Postat pe 19 Iulie 2011 14:49 |
normal, eugenia...doar tu nu esti barbat.... | ||
dor72 Postat pe 19 Iulie 2011 22:52 |
De la: garbo207042, la data 2011-07-09 04:22:52De multe ori simturile iti spun ca e ceva in neregula, ulterior te poti insela. Parerea mea e ca simturile nu inseala niciodata |
Fata_Morgana Postat pe 23 Iulie 2011 23:29 |
When dealing with an affair, there will be moments when you talk with the cheater and you believe that they finally �see the light�. They may even tell you many of the things you wanted to hear. They have a �moment� of clarity when they finally realize what they did. They have good intentions to �turn things around� and appear genuine in their commitment. The problem is that in most cases, these good intentions don�t last. The cheater, like a chameleon changes with their surroundings. They know what to say in whatever situation they are in. Their sincerity is convincing. The tears and promises seem real, and in many cases they are. The challenge is that like changing channels on the television, they change with the situation. The good intentions lack follow through. They are not the same person in every situation. When they are with their lover, they are totally into it. When they are with you, they are totally into you. So how can you tell if you are dealing with one of these �good intentioned� chameleon types or if it is real? 1. Chameleon types often avoid conflicts and upsetting you. 2. Change with the Chameleon types comes easy, too easy. They quickly make promises to change with little or no effort . 3. Chameleon types are all talk and no action. 4. Chameleon types may rely on alcohol or drugs to numb themselves to some degree. 5. They will often promise things that they can not deliver on. 6. They use absolute words (never, always, forever, etc.) when making promises 7. Chameleons often make changes without any struggle. If there was little or no discomfort prior to the change, you may be dealing with a chameleon. Best Regards, |
roramona Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 16:30 |
OMG | ||
dor72 Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 16:32 |
fugi,bre,d'acilea... adeca daca mie-mi place efectul amortitor al berii,vinului si sucului de prune ,dupe care promit cate-n luna si-n stele si nu-mi amintesc nimic a doua zi - asta inseamna ca-s cameleoana? |
precizilla Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 16:37 |
Daca esti sub efectul sucului distilat de pruna - ceea ce in principiu nu este de rau, aici insa depinde de cantitatea ingurgitata si de calitatea acesteia - in mod clar nu poti fi cameleoana. Dar daca acea cantitate depaseste dozajul de neam prost, poti deveni si charmeleoana. | ||
anakin Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 16:43 |
numa daca-i affair, preci, numa in cazu aista... de cate ori distilat? |
dor72 Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 16:44 |
auzi, tot te-am prins acilea,la inghesuiala te pot insela simturile de barbat cu privire la o femeie? sa nu lasam toapicu' fara raspuns,deh |
precizilla Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 16:46 |
da, da, sa vedem cat esti de usor de inselat ( nu cititi inseuat, da?) | ||
dor72 Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 16:48 |
sis, se poate, dar e mai greu. O antipatie la prima citire nu se poate transforma in simpatie decat foarte greu. Sau deloc, in dese randuri. |
anakin Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 17:51 |
aaa, merci ca esti sincer.... chiar asa rau a fost? nici nu mi-am dat seama ce antipatica pot sa fiu... ( glumesc! ) |
dor72 Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 17:54 |
dor, am calcat intr-o seringa cu scopolamina. | ||
anakin Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 18:07 |
nu are toata lumea norocul tau.... eu l-am primit ca prim vaccin, la venirea pe lume...m-a marcat pe termen lung...prea lung....are niste efecte....uau... |
dor72 Postat pe 31 Iulie 2011 21:07 |
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